Mach 16

Project maintained by lois-lee Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Milestone 3

The purpose of this milestone was to simulate maze mapping, which is a large part of our final robot design. We first implemented this using a more flexible programming language, in our case, we used Python, so that we could simulate and easily test out the efficiencies of certain algorithms and so we could also easily test out different optimization techniques. Then we implemented this on the Arduino so that the robot can navigate through the maze.

We used Depth First Search (DFS) for our map mazing implementation. DFS as the name implies traverses the path until it finds the goal. In our case, even though there is no target specific target, the robot wants to traverse each location on the 4x5 maze unless it is a blocked area. The simulation implemented both DFS and BFS while the real code only involved DFS. We plan to scale up our the DFS algorithm to incorporate Dijkstra’s algorithm so that our maze can make path choices that will minimize the cost of choosing one direction over the other.

Click here to learn more about DFS

Simulation Team

#### Coding Environment We used python 3 for development. In our opinion, python is the best language for rapid development and prototyping algorithms.

Maze representation

We used a simple object oriented structure, with two main classes: maze and mazeNode. The maze holds a 2D-array of mazeNodes. Each mazeNode has x,y coordinates, and four direction booleans: top, right, bottom, and left. These booleans are set to True intially, but set to false if there is a wall in that direction. The mazeNodes also stores states, such as if it is visited or the current robot location. Then the maze is initialized with the perimeter being walled off by setting booleans to False along the border.

We have many helper functions to make it easy to work with the maze:

This video exhibits the maze.drawMaze() animation as the simulated robot DFS searches through the maze until all positions have been visited. At the end you can see the last iteration of the maze.printMaze() function with the “Done!” statement marking the end of the simulation.

Simulation Demo

Search algorithms

We implemented two fundemental search algorithms BFS and DFS. We are using DFS for the actual robot. A stack is implemented with a python list, and the current mazeNode is appended to it. In the while loop there is a heirarchy of directions: down, up, left, right. Below is a graphic to provide background on how the algorithm dictates the robot’s movement.

 def DFS(self):
		stack = []
			node = stack.pop()
      left = self.maze[node.x][node.y-1]
      if(not left.visited):

The algorithm checks if there is a wall to the left of the current node. If the node to the left is not visited, it is pushed to the stack for it to be visited in the next iteration of the while loop. The position in this stack governs the “priority” mentioned in the above graphics. The complete maze simulation code can be found here Simulation Code

Real Team

The real-time maze mapping is the real time implementation of the simulation done above using a robot. In order to do this, we started by adding helper functions that would allow us to incorporate the additional wallsensors, backtracking, and mainly searching algorithm. We used modular design by dividing our code into main explorer and helper function codes.

However, we cannot simply translate the Python code into Arduino programming and expect it to work. There are certain logistical issues we need to take care of first, mainly wall sensors and direction.

Below are the major components of the codes that we used to implement depth first search algorithm.

Below are some visual explanations of the more important parts of implementation:

Helper Functions

To see the complete file of all helper functions click here Helper Functions and to view our code click here Real Code.

Wall, Turning and Orientation Functions

For additional information on the implementation of the line following and turning algorithms check out our previous work from Milestone 1

Stack and Back tracking Functions

A stack was needed because we need to keep track of the robot’s motion for the case that we need to back track when there is a dead end. In order to implement the stack, we used helper functions that would allow pushing and poping values to and from the stack.

Signaling Finish

Although we did not finish the milestone completely, and thus could not test whether the signal would signal correctly, we implemented a simple function that would run in the loop.

We wanted a simple way to show that the robot knew that the entirety of the maze (minus unaccessible, blocked off parts) was traversed. Although primarily we had the function check the visited matrix within the loop to see if all of the values were 1, signaling visited, or 6, signaling current position.

However, we have to take into account if there are some areas we cannot traverse. For example, if there is a closed off box in the maze, the robot cannot get to that position, as therefore, even when all areas have been traversed, it would be hard to recognize it as being so.

Thus we implemented a helper function lightUp() which would light up an LED on the condition that either the stack was not empty or all areas have been traversed.

Additional components
